The Waukesha Journal from Waukesha, Wisconsin (2024)

Mr. Parnell: defies to his the political people. of oppo- Irenents, and him in the stand ha appeals has land taken. Mr. Parnell's supporters to 'sustain complain that after the Nationalist dispatches meeting a "misleading summary of the cable giving proceedings were sent privately to the that intrigues are on foot in the lobby of Irish delegates America.

They assert the House of. Commons to draw and away the other Messrs. delegates from the support of ParDillon and O'Brien nell, The anti- members and the National party are more hopeful assert that private telegrams from Ireland show that the priests and the mass of people support them. FRESH AND NEWSY. R.

G. DUN weekly review of trade says: the business outlock. The a difficulty of The last broken week has not improved taining commercial loans increases, not New York only, but at most other points. Banks and other lenders from the largest to the smallest appear to have, been duced by recent events to strengthen themselves. Merchants bare grown more cautious about extending obligations, or making purchases which can be deferred, apprebending that retail buying may be cut down somewhat by reduced ability of some consumers, and by in the of disposition the of extensively others to economize view reported advance in prices.

Meanwhile speculation bas been reviving to an healthy extent in some directions on theory that troubles aro over and things will improve. The money markets Are thus loaded with increased demands for carrying trade especially and, needs more liberal supplies. securities products at a time when At most of the Interior markets money grows more stringent, and the scarcity gins to affect trade at Important centers, though the volume of business is still large. The speculative markets have been advancing. Wheat risen cents, corn and outs cents, lard 15 cents per pounds, and coffee one-quarter of a cent.

pork being unchanged, and oil one cent lower, Cotton has also yielded a sixteenth in view of crop prospects. The rise breadstufs has no increased foreign demand to justify it. but operators seem to have concluded that monetary difficultics are over, and that thoy can carry all grain until Europe is forced to buy. A' DISPATCH from Buenos Ayres says a tinancial. crisis prevails in that city.

Several credit houses have closed. There was. tumult on the bourse, and the police were called upon to quell the disturbance. There are rumors of revolutions in several parts of the republic. A CONCERTED effort will be made amend the interstate commerce law during this session of Congress.

Mr. Jay Gould is going to try his hand at legislation. His followers in Wall street are betting that he will have as much success in manipulating Congress he has in gathering in railroad stocks. Mr. Gould wants the law amended that pooling can be re-established dpenly and without the roads running the risks they do now by their secret arrangements.

Tho apparent demand for this legislation comes from the West. Permission to pool is said to be the only thing lacking to enable the Western roads to carry out Mr. Gould's ideas of 3 clearing-house arrangement by which they will divide the busifairly and all of them mako money. The signs are that the time favorable for this schemc. Senator Cullom is a Presidential candidate and he not going to run against the popular the bencfit of the trunk lines without sentiment in the West.

by legislating for apparent gain to the shippers. In truth, the uprising of the Farmers' Alliance is likely to bear fruit in legislation hostile the corporations. HALIFAX, N. has a sensation in which figure G. H.

King, a divinity student at Acadia College, and the Rev. Mr. Brown. rector of the Episcopal Church Middleton. They were with a party clergymen bound for Annapolis.

Mr. Brown's silk bat was on the seat of the car. King didn't notice it and sat down it. This so enraged Mr. Brown that he jumpod up from his seat and punched yonng.

King's face in the most approved pugilistic fashion, breaking his nose and blacking both eyes. The divinity student's wounds bled profusely, and there was a large pool of blood on the floor. and The the passengers were highly indignant, Rev. Henry How, who was traveling with. the fighting parson, denounced his brutality in unmeasured terms and will report the case a to the Bishop.

THE collections of internal revenue during the first four months of the current fiscal year aggregate $51,028,289, being an increase of $4,245,290 over the last collections of the corresponding period year. There was an increase of $1,653,477 in spirits. $1,198,016 in on fermented liquors, on oleomargarine, and $65,477 on State miscellaneous, bank and a decrease of $70 on. notes, etc. 3 MARKET REPORTS.

CHICAGO. HoGs--Shipping to 3.25 5.50 CATTLE--Common 3.50 (g 4.25 No: 2 3.00 5 .93 00 CORN-No. 2.. .52 .43 RYE--No. 2...

BUTTER- Choice .69 .25 .70 CHEESE--Full -Cream, .28 .10 POTATOES- Western, per .87 .23 .02 .24 INDIANAPOLIS. HOGs--Choice Light. 8.10 3.50 4,00 4.50 WHEAT-No. 2 3.00 4.75 SHEEP Common to CORN-No. 1 White.

OATS- No. 2 4 :54 46 ST. .48 .19 CATTL LOUIS. 4.00 5,00 2 3.50 4.00 CORN -No, 2.. .91 .92 .53 .44 .45 .69 CINCINNATI.

2.00 4.50 SHEEP. 3.00 4.00 WHEAT -No. 2 3.00 5.00 CORN- .95 .53 2 cg .534 MILWAUKEE. WARAT- No. 2 Spring.

.90 OATS -No. 2 3... ,54 CORN--No. RYE-No. 1...

.16 .47 BARLEY--No. .71 DETROIT. .70 3.00 4.25 SHEEP, 3.00 3.2j WHEAT -No. 2 Red. 3.00 4.00 2 Yellow.

91 .53 ,92 OAT -No. White. ,54 TOLEDO. 0 WHEAT. CORN OATS--No.

2 .45 CATTLE--Good -Medium to 4.00 BUFFALO, WHEAT- No. 1 3.60 1.00 and (a 4.75 CORN--No. 2. .55 1.08 LIBERTY. ,56 CATTLE Common to 3.50 4.75 Medium to Goo 3,75 4.25 4.00 5.25 NEW 4.50 04 6 25 CATTLE.

YORK. 3.53 4.75 3.50 4.25. WHEAT No. 2 1,00 5.25 No. 2.

1.04 1.06 ,62 .63 FLUNG SAND IN HISEYES BOLD ROBBERY COMMITTED BY MILWAUKEE: THUGS. A Sheboygan Man Assaulted on the Street Who Throw Sand in His by Robbors Take from Him a Sachel and Got Away with It. Eyes, Ing William Clarke, President of the Sheboygan Electric Light and Power cash Com- on pany, was robbed of 7:15 $19,500 o'clock in the Wisconsin street at evening. After supper he 'started to walk from the hotel to the depot, passing up Wisconsin street, the main thoroughfare of the city, and was passing an alley in the block between Cass and Marshall streets, and within "half a block of the depot, when he was stopped by two men. Without a word one of them threw a handful of something in his fairt, Mr.

Clarke beNo one happened to be in the vicinity at the time and Mr. Clarke a ran down to the lieves sand and before he could recover from his surprise the other had grabbed the sachel with money and the two disappeared down alley. depot and gave the alarm to the lone policeman he found there. Together: they returned to the sceno of robbery, but there was no trace of the robbers. They then hurried to tho Central Police Station, where Mr.

Clarke gave as good a description of tho robbers as possible, but that was very meager. One of them he described as tall and wearing a silk hat, while the other was short, wearing a cap and otherwise shabbily dressed. Mr. Clarke, although much affected by his loss, immediately started out with two detectives, while half a dozen other detectives were started out on different routes, but up to midnight not one of them bad reported a single clew that might possibly lead to an arrest. At first some of the police authorities were rather inclined to doubt Clarke's story.

They could not believe a sane man would be traveling with so much cash about the streets, and they thought, too, that it would be but natural for a man to make an outcry when robbed, which Mr. Clarke admitted he had not done, but instead had rushed down to the depot to find a policeman. But all doubt of Mr. Clarke having the moncy was dispelled late to night when Mr. Clarke's attorney, a leading lawyer of the city, was seen at his home and admitted having identified Mr.

Clarke at the Second Ward Bank this afternoon that he might cash the $22,000 check. Ho had spoken to Mr. Clarke, he said, about taking the entire amount in cash, but Mr. Clarko said he had some bills to pay here and also a $17,000 loan to pay at a Sheboygan bank. Mr.

Killelea further said that he had known Mr. Clarke for many years and did not doubt for a moment that he told the truth about the robbery. The only theory he could advance was that some one must have seen him draw the at the bank or had noticed the contents of the sachel in some of the places where he had paid out money this afternoon. Mr. Clarke is the sole proprietor of the Sheboygan electric plant, which represents an investment of $60,000.

GLADSTONE'S ULTIMATUM. He Says Mr. Parnell Must Withdraw from the Leadership. A At the request of Mr. Gladstone Mr.

Morley has communicated to Mr. Parnell the following letter, "written Monday: DEAR MR. MORLEY: Having arrived at a certain conclusion with regard to the continuance of Mr. Parnell's leadership of the Irish party, I have seen Mr. McCarthy on my arrival in town and have inquired from him whether I am likely to receive from Mr.

Parnell himself any communication on the subject. Mr. McCarthy replied that he was. unable to give me any information. I mentioned to him that in 18 after the terrible murder in Park, Mr.

Parnell, although totally removed from any idea of responsibility, had spontaneously written me and offered to take the Chiltern Hundreds, an offer much his honor, but which I thougbt It my duty to decline. While clinging to the to hope of a communication from Mr. Parnell, whomsoever addressed, I thought it necessary, vlewing the arrangements for the commencement of the session to-day, to at acquint which, Mr. McCarthy with the conclusion after using all the means of observation and reflection in my power, I had myself arrived. It was that, notwithstanding the great services rendered by Mr.

Parnell to his country, his continuance at the present moment in the leadership would be the productive of consequences disastrous In highest degree to the cause of Ireland. I think I may be warranted in so abovo far. to expand the conclusions asking you given as to add that Mr. P'arnell's continuance as loader would not only place hearty and effective friends of the many Irish cause in a position of great embarrassment but would render my retention of the leadership of the Liberal party, based as it has the been mainly upon the Irish almost a nullity. prosecution of This expansion of my views I begged Mr.

found Intended for his colleagues generally it he McCarthy to regard as con confidential, and not that Mr. Parnell contemplated sponwould taneous action; but I also begged that be make known to the Irish party at their conclusion, meeting to-morrow that such was it ho should find that Mr. Par- my nell had not in contemplation the nature indicated. I now write any stop. of case Mr.

McCarthy should be unable to you in municate with Mr. Parnell, as I understand comyou row may through possibly have an opening to-morhave such an another channel. Should you known to opening I beg you to make in this letter. Mr. Parnell tho conclusion stated It in terms I simple have thought it best to put should have and direct, much as I to alleviate the had it lain in my power, liked, uation personal nature of the sitwhat my as public respects the manner of conveying I tion to say.

I rely duty has made it obligafeeling, tact, entirely on your good and judgment. It transpires WILLIAM E. GLADSTONE. the. that during the trial of members O'Shea divorce case: the Nationalist selves to of Parliament pledged themthe result of support the trial Mr.

Parnell whatever to might be, and not Liberals consider in the sentiment of the English matter. Sir Charles Russeli, in Hackney, said that many a Irish speech at were sad at heart because of members ity that had befallen the cause the calamHe believed they wished Ireof Parnell would bow his head to the storm that and recognize the fact that flicted a serious wound upon he the had insciences of the people of both conand had damaged the cause for countries, had fought so long. which he ten Several letters Liberal candidates have writdraw from the field, foreseeing they withannouncing defeat. certain mean The to stick Parnellites openly assert to Parnell, even if they that should delay home rule 6fteen they so doing. vears by FARMERS IN THE PEN WAUKESHA JOURNAL.

BY HARVEY H. RUST. WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN. Politics, Religion, Commerce and Crops, Sandwiched with Minor Affairs. DOINGS OF THE DAY.

SUMMARY OF LATE NEWS BY WIRE: Eventful Happonings In Accidents, Every Crimes; Known 9: CONGRESS IN SESSION, The Regular Winter Grist Will Now Be 2: Tor last session of the Congress began on the 1st Inst. At noon when Vice President Morton's gavel fell ho beamed on the Senate. Chaplain Butler's prayer was a trifle longer than usual, but 16 made up in fervor what it Jacked in brev4: ity. After prayer the only business in ora der was the swearing in of new Senators. The credentials of Senators-elect Carey and Warren of Wyoming were presented.

and they took the oath: Senator Carey's bald head known to every one, 1n the Senate. Of Senator Warren 11 was remarked that ho added another to the long Ist of -youngest-looking Senators wha wear classes, The customary resolution these service thedraw came lots from to determine Senator- Hoar, their who length lg Chairman of the Committee on Elections. Secretary Apson brought out the queer-looking box with its handle like corn -popper from which the slips were 10. ho taken, and in less than a minute after the adoption of the resolution it was known thut Senator Warren's will expire March 4. 1803, while Senator Carey will serve until 1895: Membors of the House of Representatives were in no hurry to resunio their places before noon.

sO that in the crowd of people on the floor before 11 o'clock mint AL dozen were DonPages And doorkeepers kept running in and outs bearing flowers in bunches and tied with rilbons, basketa gotten up by skillod hunds. 'and orate doral pleces donated by enthusiantic friends. Tho Democrats. were favored with mementos. though the deaks of about Republicans were also tastefully decorated.

Some 200 members were present whon the chaplain invoked the divine ble sing, and during the tedious roll-call enough more came in. swell the number to 227. The gallories wore Jammed. except those reserveil for the family and the diplomats, where a fow persons. lonely looking.

were seated. The Speaker had wuch difficulty in moderating the nolsy convention of members so that the clerk might hear tho responses to the roll-call. DR. MARY WALKER AT DEATH'S DOOR. The Eccentric Woman Lies.

Very Ill at Her Farm Near Our go. N. DR. MARY F. WALKER, well known.

throughout the country for her eccentrielties: and as the only woman commissioned a surgeon of the United States army during the rebellion, lies dying her farm five miles west of Oswego, N. Y. Dr. Mary arrived from Washington last August. She had beon sick in the Capital, and her physicians directed that she be sent to her home.

Sho is troubled with heart failure, and the end is looked for any moment. Dr. Walker is graduato of 8 Geneva, N. medical collego, and was admitted to practico in 1838. In 1861 sho went to Mashington and offered her services for the purpose of taking care of the sick and wounded soldiers in the hospitals.

Her first du-. ties were in the Indian hospital under Dr. Green. During the last your of. the war she was in the Southwest with Col.

Dax McCook, and whilo there she was made a prisoner by Champ Ferguson, the. guerrilia. and sent to Castle Thunder Richmond, where she remained four mouths. In 1866 Dr. Walker visited Europe, hoping that her reformatory ideas would moot with more encour-.

agement. She appeared, upon the piatin St. James' Hall dressed in a black silk tunic reaching little below the knoes and fitting the figure closoly like. man's frock coat black cloth trousers, her hair in curs, and a bunch of flowers at her throat. Pa'sonal by Ewing Heal Choose.

THERE was considerable excitement in Gretuwood, over the fact that soyeral persons had been poisoned by cating head choose. Those who suffered were WV. J. Spruce, editor of the Graphic; Robert Smith, Robert Rush, Miss Ida Rushi, James Carroll and wife. D.

B. Stanton and, wife, and two little daughters of Bass. All were rendered violently ill for a time, but prompt measures served to bring relief. It is prosumed tho chee was male in a brass kettle, the poison from which impregnated the cheeso in its preparation. for Working Sunday Two members of the Seventh Day Adventist Church at Fayette, Mo, have been arrested for doing their farm work Sunday.

The arrested men hold that Saturday, or the seventh day. is the Sabbath, Instead of Sunday, the first day of the week. Under the law of Missouri these men could follow their common occupation Sunday at will, since that law that all persons who aro bers of a religious society whichobserves another day than the first day of the week as the Sabbath shall exempt from the penalties provided for Sundavbreaking. provided such persons actually observe the Sabbath of their choice. Pant the Penulty of Ira Crime.

ELLIS MILLER, the ('nion County, Ohio, murderer, was executed at the penitenannex at Columbus at midnight. The crime was committed near Maryswille, January 14; last, when he shot and killed his sister-in-law, Mrs. Emma Johnson. Application for stay of 0X0- cution was made by Miller's attorney, but was refused by Campbell. Miller wrote a long letter to the Governor, begging for au ostension of time or commutation on the ground he was drunk at the time ho committed the murder and did not know what ha.

was doing. All appeals were ignored. War Tired of MAN about 33 years of ago arrived in Quincy, last Thursday from Portland, Oregon, and registered at tho Sherman House a4 Andrew Euler. Three days later whom the chambermaid entered his room sho found him lying on the floor covered with blood and in a dying condition. There WAS a bullethole in his breast and another in the head.

He was taken to the hospital, where he said that his only motive was weariness of life. Ho said hot had relatives In Belleville, and In Osage County, Missour'. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. A TERRIBLE accident occurred on the groands at Eastern Park. Brooklyn, before the Yale-Princeton football game was played.

The big free stand on the eastern side of the grounds, furthest from the grand stand, suddenly collapsed at 12:10. carrying down with it its entire load of 1 human beings. The crash came without any warning, and at the time the long rows bleachers were closely packed with spectators. It is estimated that there were more than 2,000 people in the structure at the time. A scene of indescribable confusion and panic followed the crash, which was heard in all parts of the grounds.

The occupants were mostly men, a great majority of them students from Yale and Princeton. There were also many women in the crowd. They all lay in a confused and struggling mass upon the ground. Many of them were completely buried under the wreckage of planks and joists, of which the rickety structure was built. screams and shrieks and groans which came from the unfortunates were heartrending to hear.

Many fainted. from the injuries they received. In an instant there Was general rush for that part of the field, and a score or more of blue; coated policemen were soon engaged inpulling tho maimed and wounded from the wreck. Others lent their assistance, and within ten minutes the whole place had been cleared. At first it was feared that some might have been killed, but this fear proved to be unfounded.

1: A great many persons, however, were soverely hurt, and broken limbs and bruised heads and bodies were numerous. Many of the friends of the wounded people had 1 them carried at once out of the grounds and placed in backs, which took them away before their names could be learned. In this way a good many cases were not reported to the police. The big dressing-room under the grand stand was rigged up as a hospital and the surgeons from three ambulances from the Brooklyn Hospital, which had been summoned as soon a4 the accident occurred, had their hands full of patients. oldest person in New York City, If not in the East, is Aunt Lucy Ridley, who claims to have been born in South Carolina in 1773, which makes her ono hundred and seventeen years of age.

The old woman, who lives with a rolative in Greenwich street, went to Now York only twenty years ago, having rosided in her native place ninety-eight years. She was a slave of James Downey's, near Oxford, N. C. She waS married four times, and has been the mother of over twenty children, three or four of whom are still living, although she does not know where they are at present. DAVID O'CONNELL, a well-known resident of Ansonia, committed suicide by cutting his throat The cause of the deed was religious mania.

Ile leaves 3 large family. WESTERN HAPPENINGS. THE latest on the Indian scare in Dakota is the following dispatch from Dick- inson, N. The Indian troubles are causing much alarm to sottlers in remote places of here. Citizens of Belfield, twenty, miles west, were surprised to seo sottlers with familles coming from all directions, they having heard that the Indians were camped on Grand River fifty miles south.

A leadIng citizen has arrived here from to consult with the authorities and learn the truth of the situation. Your correspondent has good authority for saying that 'bands of Indians are congregating in the Grand River country, and they act A mass meeting will be held there and a delegation will be sent to confer with the Governor, This place is contiguous to an extonsive stock country. The ranchmen are several miles apart. Should Indiang begin depredations they could cause great havoc. A mass meeting is called at the Court House hore to take action toward securing protection, which is totally lacking at present.

TIF: Cook County Grand Jury has returned 137 indictments for violations of the anti-gambling laws of Illinois. Nearly every prominent bookmaker, poolseller, and gambling-house keeper in Chicago is named. Ox dispatch from tho Sheriff at Wausau, the Milwaukee police took from a through train for Chicago an eloping comple who had tickets for Chicago. They were Joseph Hayes, aged 40. and Mrs.

Bertha Kostlan, aged 33 years. Both, of them are married and deserted their families at Wausau. THE 130 stands of arms deposited at Vermillion. S. have been ordered chipped to Rapid City by Gov.

Mellette. Companies A and. 1: of the local militia have also boon ordered to be in readiness to move. A RAND of Navajo Indians were at Durango, the other day from their reservation in the southern part of the State. While they say "they aro not in it.

they show front their action that they are greatly excited over the reports from Dakota. and it will take but littlo to induce them to join the Sioux. They claimed to have some communication from the north. Their theory is that the Messiah, over which the Pino and Rosebud Agencies are crazy, is none other than Isidor Cohen. who is known throughout Southern Colorado as Cohen," leader well acquainted with their tongues and castoms.

Many of the Southern Utes talk of the craze with but little intorost, and seem to wish that the reports were true, that the Good Spirit would come to them as 14) the Sioux and restore the old days of flint arrows aud game. NICHOLAS KILL, who was first tried at St. Tanl, for tho murder of Jacob Kuhn on Sept. 13, and adjudged insane and was brought from the asylum last summer and again tried. for the murder.

has been found guilty. Judge Kelly, in consideration of a recommendation from the jury, sentenced Kill to. State's prison for life. The mysterious visit of Jay Gould to Hutchinson. about two weeks ago has boon a matter of speculation for some time.

It was all mado S. Il. I. Clark. of St.

Louis, telegraphed, an order for the purchase of three salt plants and Goo acres of land in the name of the Missouri Pacific Railroad Company. During the last twelve months a million barrels of salt have been made in Hutchinson. This is beginning of a. now era in the town. ANDY HALSAPPLE and wife, a wellrespected couple living near Paragon, were dragged from their beds by masked.

men, and, after receiving a lecture, were, tied to trees and whipped. EASTERN OCCURRENCES They were then warned that their lives would be in danger it they remained longer. This is the first case of whitecapping in Morgan County. THE body of F. B.

Crocker, President of the Denver Board of Public Works, who mysteriously disappeared a week ago, was found in a cornfield three miles from that city. The discovery was made accidentally Farmer West, who was crossing the THE sub-Congressional Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, of which Senator Squire, of Washington, is Chairman, held. a meeting at Tacoma, which the Mayor and officials of the Chamber of Commerce, labor ganizations, and business citizens were examined in relation to Chinese immigration. All unanimous for exclusion Chinese. It was also the general impression that there was no Jack of employment there for all who would labor.

SOUTHERN INCIDENTS. News has been received of a threat'ened race assaulted: riot at Brownsville, Miss. A negro a young white man in a store, stepping behind and dealing hiin several severe blows with brass knuckles. Warrants were issued against tho negro, but he had collected a crowd and swore he would not be taken. All the negroes between Big Black River and Brownsville are up in arms, to burn the town and kill whites.

The negroes are largely in the tack be made on them, would make majority, but the whites, should a any atthings lively for the leaders, of the lawless gang. THOMAS A. ALLEN of Memphis, one of the oldest and most extensive cotton commission firms in the South, has made an assignment. The assets and liabilities are as yet unknown, but it is claimed creditors will eventually be paid dollar for dollar. The suspension of J.

C. Waldron has been announced on the New York Stock Exchange. MARRY SETROLD, the Wheeling (W. Va.) bank clerk who has been on trial for several days for stealing a package containing $25,000 from the vault of the Bank: of Wheeling, has been found guilty. In his defense Seybold charged that IL.

C. List, the son of the President of the bank. was the real thief. Seybold's father is the cashier of the bank. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL.

POSTMASTER GENERAL WANAMAKER has made his annual report. The most Important paragraphs touching the Postoffice Department and its various ramifications are those. which deal with the subjects of postal telegraph, postal sa'vings banks and 1 cent postage. Mr. Wanamaker's position regarding a postal telegraph well known.

It is a deeprooted conviction with him that such a system would be of much greator benefit to the American people than' to leave the control of the telegraph service in the hands of a practical monopoly. Many sided as this question is the Postmaster General has, he says, studied it from every point of view. Ills report shows that he has fully considered the arguments that have been made against it, and that he believes he has successfully overthrown them all. Upon the subject of postal savings banks the Postmaster General also treats at length. Ilis report shows, the adoption of such auxiliaries to be useful several ways.

Their establishment in small outlying communities where savings banks do not exist will be, in tho first place, an encouragement to thrift and economy. Many millions of dollars will thus be saved annually that are now, in the absence of a proper protection, needlessly wasted The suggestion of 1-cent postage finds great favor in Mr. Wanamaker's eyes: The receipts from this source are now abont $38,000.000 annually. To divide the rate by onc-half would make, in his opinion, a deficit of $19,000,000, a larger burden than they country is now prepared to stand. While upon this subject tlic Postmaster General explains that the business of the other executive departments, which is free, would.

if it paid the usual postage, increase the revenue of the postal about 000,000 a year, a sum sufticient to offset the present deficit of $6,000,000 and leave 0. handsome balance of $2,000,000 besides. FOREIGN GOSSIP. TIE Prime Minister of Belgium has introduced in Parliament a bill providing for an extension of the franchise. This i action on the part of the Government was a complete surprise.

The Radicais are greatly elated, and the. workmen who had intended to inaugurate a general strike as a part of the universal suffrage movement have decided to remain at work. The streets are thronged with! people and the rejoicing is general. LYMAN MOWREY. a San Francisco attorney, whose principal clientage is among Chinese, has just arrived from China.

where he went in the interests of the Tehuantepec Railroad Company. At Canton he contracted for 8,000 men to work on the railroad. They will. be shippod direct to the field of labor. Already 500 men have reached Del Santa Cruz, on the Gulf of Tehuantepec, and are engaged.

on 290 miles of road running from that point to Coatzacoalcos, on the Gulf of Mexica M. PELLETAY has presented to the French Budget Committee a report on the financial situation of France. This shows that the estimated debt of the country is 30.300,913,594 francs of nom: inal capital and 22,824,843, 609 francs of actual capital, the nominal rate of interest being 3.48 per the actual rate 4.63 per cent. "This," continues the report, "is the largest public debt in the world, but French credit is sufficiently solid to allow of French stock being reckoned as THE River Shannon, in Ireland, has overfowed its banks at Athlone, and the town, which is situated on both sides the river. is submerged.

Hundreds of acres of under water, and the crops are destroyed." A large number of cattle. have perished. Many families are rendered homeless by the flood. L. Tue manifesto which Mr.

Parnell, the Irish leader. promised to, issue, dealing with. all the questions involved in the present political crisis. has been made publie. It definitely settles that Mr.

will not voluntarily from the leadership of the Irish Parliamentary party. The is of great length and sets forth why, in Mr. Parnell's opinion, it would be disastrous to the best interests of the party for him to withdraw at tho present time. 1 WHAT THE ACCOMPLISH. HOPE Fla.

Annual Convention of of Putting Order at of Ticket in the Field In 8 Presides an Alliance with Organizations: the Workings The annual meeting dispatch.y Farmers' Alliance will the held Say beginning Tuesday. at 0 many respects Dec. country niany years, meeting held he industrial the taken will and the atmosphere wonderfully clear or the divine be course put to of their wits ers will that political affairs in the: ended possibility Presidential that election. tho There is a bloom out as a Farmers Ale party with a full ticket in full-Ledged 1892. This will the tically at the Ocala convention.

be settled will Just be in what this the action of regard it is the copter forecast. sub is safe that to bill. say, home modifications as have been with measure evoked, that will the publication is worth. What other be pushed to: it is organization too early will to be pushed to principles surmise. The the tion At will be thoroughly the tit* General recent Assembly meeting at Denver.

representation Labor of the Powderly, General Master appointed ada, and Ralph A. W. Wright of to attend the of New ternal delegates, Alliance Convention as forcible These three are it is altogether speakers and earnest men. combination effected likely between that the these mar great made, industrial organizations closer in the matter of of action at all events. The Alliance Labor bear a proposition to KE: to join" with that order calling, convention at as of carly all a date labor as poss and of organizations independent to decide the qua political action.

are strongly of the opinion that Alliance will take this action. convention would take in the Patron Husbandry, the Grange, the Farted Mutual Bencfit Association, all New of England Farmers Organizase which thoroughly in sympa with the Alliance, but hare not as Joined it. Then the Knights of the Federation of Railroad Empire the Americau Federation of Labor, the big trades unions. would be in to attend the convention. The voting strength of these will reach well up toward three million and it can readily bo soon if such vention is called and should decide take independent action, it would some queer overturnings in 1892, and is among the probabilities.

In speaking cha the Ocala conventic C. W. Maceine, Chairman of the tive Committee and editor of the tional Economist, the organ of the ance, said: "The meeting is a most: portant one from the stand point, a political standpoint, an economic standpoint. Being the tional meeting of -the order; it probably take the next step in the opment of this great new force. since there is every indication that tionalism, so far as it depends a prejudice between the farmers of and Northwest, will be buried, the political significance came be overestimated.

It is impossible us to obtain exact data as to the victor: the recent elections; many men been elected as partisans on whom can depend on almost all questions represent the farmers. It is probabigar conservative estimate to say we will forty men in the Fifty-second Conrres who can be depended on to represent farmers' interest on all occasions. a thorough understandinz all sections, enlightened and educatice and sectionalism replaced by co-opert tion and unity, the economic possibilities for the good of this great order are most immeasurable." The Farmers' Allianco was started Texas in 1876, but it was not eleven years later that the order became national and began to develop strength absorbed the old Agricultural Whets 1889, at St. Louis. At that COn tion the Knights of Labor discussion were sented and after a long conferences the St.

Louis form" was adopted. Among other Knight: Labor includes planks on practically land, currency, the transpotortion, which read as natural follows soured wealth. is tho including heritage the of all the and traffic. should not be should te the only subject to, speculatin Occupancy of land.3 The taxes land the should possession be levied its full use, exclusive of Improvements, should be sufficient to take The munity all establishment unearned of national Increments. tary system, in which a shall direct circulating medias necessary people without quantity the Intervention banks; legal that all tender the du national payment of all issues and orr the Govern ment public shall and not private, guarantee recognize private banks, or any bearing.

bonds of porations; that or notes Interest- never but that met when arises the the Government; shall be bearkat legal tender, money. shall obtain pa That the Government under right session eminent by domain, of. all telegraph. phone, and railroads; be and Lsned ant charter for or operatica poration of transporting intelligence. sengers, or freight.

consist Tho meeting delegates, representing there States. session After the adjourn about 250 week to ten days. hare been made ment arrangements a the State free excursion, all at over the Florida, the delegates a genes points and giving SO. time for 3 week or About Woll- GARRETT Known of Baltimore Mexican People. MISS in MARY her home lined with bath that cost $6,000.

so much talkies JAY GOULD is doing himself open that of he hiring lays some one 10 wood." Suing suspicion GEN. deciares that ever is is tho rankesticoward paint He daubed his ugly but as a warrior home 1 villainous old rascal, He is known at no good at all. with much "squaw man F. 4.

The Waukesha Journal from Waukesha, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.